We weren't able to join our friend Celina on her birthday celebration last time. Sean and I dropped by an greeted her. Party theme was farm/cowboy. They (Fred and friends) very decorated the island well. We were able to play some fun rides and games like bull ride...we enjoyed it! oh well Sean did. LOL! Roasted pig was saved for us haha! cool!
Then while Celina was showing us around we saw this rocket ship...she told us to give it a try and that she needs to crash, and so we did. And as usual Sean wants to have it a his new toy! LOL! Sound effects are nice and also the planets were awesome...
During take off... Man you should hear the sound and light effects. The main control was cool as well..very detailed. Oh i remember there was this telescope in there where u can see the planets closely...
Planet Earth...showing the Philippine islands there...
We went outside the space shuttle and floated in space... we did the space dance too! Too cool! Applause to the creator. Yayy!