Saturday, July 14, 2007

Let's drink to that...

Sean wanted a mini bar at home so he made one at the loft over the living area...

He wasn't happy with it so he did some redecorations... He went BAR sHOPPING! hehe! Ok now, top of the list of must have? The wine cellar. He got that one behind him. Loaded, huh? Nice store too..

Some nice shop he went to... cool but they're white and wont match with the place motif...

Looking for some refs... This one is cool but don't you think it's kinda almost empty? Well i would prefer it loaded of course...

This is a cool wine dispenser Sean got. High on prims though but really nice to have in a mini bar.

Sean leaning on the counter... That's the refrigerator we got. The loaded wine cellar.

Sean there as barman. On his left is the wine dispenser i was taking about. A cool thing to have in a mini bar and really nice to have when entertaining friends.

It can rez out bottles and wine glasses for everyone... so you gotta have extra prims for that though... hehe! Hmm... so it's a cool bar now... but something is missing...

The lights! So off Sean went to get it and what he got is a disco ball...very cool, wow! Kinda fireworks... hehe! At first he said it's too bright and can't see the bar already... so the ball went rolling inside the house!

By the door... well it's kinda cool in there but we don't want the house to be looking like a pub or a disco... hehe...

So we placed it back here... adjusted a lil and it's a nice spot for it in there already...

And it gives the terrace a nice light effects as well as some sparks go through the ceiling and unto the floor...

Now we need to save some prims for those stuffs... and the redecoration continues.... ;)