Sunday, September 2, 2007

Spring Fever...

Sean removed his guitar vendor at Oceanview Paradise in Chomo (43,229,71) already and decided to replace it with nice flowers in there. He chose this nice pink ones.

He made a brick plant box in front of that white wall. The flowers were tall a little so i asked him to resized it a bit as well as that of the plant box.

He tried to re-texture the wall as well but it's not nice though...

So he just put back it's original texture of plain white painted wall. And it is just perfect!

This is the side view of it. The flowers are not flat huh? My Baby loves gardening as well... hehe!

He also replaced the ceramic jar we got inside the house to this and with a nice birds of paradise flower arrangement on it. Ok, i guess it's just the Spring fever in Sydney that has gotten into him.. ;P