Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Australia Day...

We celebrated Australia Day (Jan 26) also in SL. Yeheey!  Sean set up by the pool for some barbecue, like we usually do in RL.  Sean decorated the place with AU themed stuff (beach balls, flags and poolside chairs).

Sean doin' the peace sign! hehehe!
I got tanks with "G'Day from down under" print on it.
Angel came and joined us with the celebration.  She loved the set up.
And of course no party is ever complete without dances.

So what do we have? burgers, sausages, corn and kebabs...
mmm yummy!

Montreal's Haven for Australia Day

After the celebration we came to the gallery to chill! We just love these couple pose balls from Semotion. Hmmm..wonder what important event to celebrate next...