Sunday, June 24, 2007

Life on the go...

We have checked out a lot of places and met friends as well... We had some troubles and misunderstandings... Well, it's just part of life... Haven't played SL for months now for some reasons in RL...but hopefully i will be on soon...

Sean needed to travel as well so he wasn't able to be there as well like for more than a month during the when he went back.... He's gone sports freak...hehe! :)

He loves the beach, so he's been into waves, huh? This was taken at Bora bora Isles (250,104,21)

He's into jet skiing as well and he owned this green Kawasaki SX-R 250...

Riding a Red BMW motor gears as well...

Trying it on tracks... Good thing he found this place and allowed him to rezzed his vehicles there...

Here he was driving his Nissan Sentra in this photo... Red HOT! Red Car!

Here's a nice angle of him driving it... A good friend gave him this for free... Isn't he nice...?

He attended Ferrari expo as well... Nice exhibit... Hot car!!

In this exhibit was where he got this Marlboro suit... Isn't my hubby gorgeous in it? ;)

Ok...and how's flying this time? hehe... Here with his friend Zippy. He asked Sean to fly with him...

Flying with friend Zippy, on the pilot seat...Sean really enjoyed this flight...and guess what? ya he thought of getting one also...hehe!

And just recently he bought a black horse and we named him Charles... He's so cool!

Sean riding him on the farm... He got the horse and matched it with a nice attire...hehe! He loves shopping too...

Sean riding Charles in our place at Oceanview Paradise... slurl: Chomo (43,229,71)

And he got guns This was taken in front of the japanese house in our place, also in Chomo...Montreal's Haven... slurl: Chomo (56,201,68)

Sean showing off his gun...taken near our pond at Montreal's Haven...he's been into shooting...i told him not to do firing if not in the range...coz i don't wanna have him charged as engaging into indiscriminate firing...hehe!

And another thing to do during some boring days...BIKING!...haha! He was at the lawn near the hammock at Oceanview Paradise... I told him not to go far!

Guys! They will try almost any thing... but at least he got to do 'em all and he had fun. And that's the most important thing... ;)