Saturday, March 28, 2009



Wez with her champange shower lol! too sexy!!

Went to a party...ohhh yeaaah!!! It's our friend Wezdaydoll's RL birthday.  Party was held at Celina and Fred's place. A whole lot of fun with DJ Charlie in the house with his great streamin'.  Lotsa guests were there too. 
I love the lights, the bubble and balloon emitter

A midday shot of the place

We party all night long lol! (considerin my timezone hehe!)

The rave dance orbs

Gorgeous friends of them were there partying with us.  I had a great time and wished Sean was there. He wasn't able to get on in time to join us for he was at work in RL. There'll always be next time anyways hehe... hope soon.


WezdayDoll Yellowjacket said...

Oh my goodness better late than never, thanks soo much . yay! fond memories of that party. I'm forever touched. hugs and kisses and wow the pictures came up soo great. blushes hehe.

lubs you, wezzy