Saturday, April 4, 2009

Montreal Homes...

Sean's a lil busy lately building some homes.  He will make them available for sale soon.  He said we must do business so i can have lindens for my shoppin'! aawww, isn't that sweet.. hehe.. I said ok with his building thing but just look at me... sigh... i told him one time ok you just build tomorrow (sunday) and i will divorce you...hahaha! we i just wanted us to spend time on a sunday...hehehe... ok he can build anytime but sunday...

Anyways, he's building just simple houses and using low prim as much as possible... he loves building in SL... our home he built and decorated.. 

This is his first build for Montreal Home.  We called it the Stephanie Home.  IM Sean Montreal for any inquiries....


Stacey Sway said...

try AKK...i saw some unicorns there