Friday, April 17, 2009

Sean... a HOTTIE!

One night when we are about to crash Sean said to me..."Babe don't forget to dress up my avie..".  It was already so late down under and he's sooo passing out.. i told him ok  i will.. And so i did.. hahaha!

Damn HAWT!!!
I've been to lotsa crashes just to get him the hair from BISHWEAR (the hair is cool and i haven't got it for myself yet..hehe!) and the clothes from SWEETER THAN CANDY... He was so surprised of what i did and sooo overwhelmed and thankful "maybe" and said to me "You are a bitch!" Hahaha! Awww So sa-weet isn't he? ahhaha!  "You are welcome Baby and I love you too..." lmao!

Actually, that night before the reason why he asked me to get him dressed was we were exploring his avie's!  Naaa... just kidding! It was coz we were checking the UNSHAVED skins he got and this new hair... their totally awesome and goes with his shape perfectly...

Edward Cullen, who?

He got 2 kinds of this skin and got it in dark tanned.  BTW, the photos were taken at home in Montreal's Haven, Oceanwood SE... So well for now, he will be wearing this skin... 'til i tell him to!