Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy 20th..belated!

In our skypad located like 400m on top of our camp in Pennycat, Sean make like a little terrace where we could hang out and dance. We just love dancing here. He invited Pou over, who is as well a dance machine. She got lotsa dances with her in her huddle. And i tell you, the dance steps she got are freakin' rock!!! We had so much fun under the moon, and Sean and Pou don't mind the heights...they're equipped with chutes...but not me! lol!

You're doin' it the other way Stacey!!

Then after the fun, a nice time resting on my corner. This is where i read as well. On the wall are some of my fave photos and bears...actually they're my gift for Sean in sl for last 20th... :)

We just love to cuddle while we chatted and chatted 'til it was time for us to call it a day...