Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy 20Th My Baby...

Happy 20th My Baby...

For we are celebrating monthly 2oth, this dinner date in Baywalk, our Pennycat was a surprise arranged by Sean for me in SL. She asked me to wear a lil formal so i put on my gown and some flowerettes on my hair (hehe!)! Our avies were so full with what this cool table has to offer..from appetizers to desserts. I am making this blog a lil late so i can't remember now what we had that time. but im pretty sure it was wine we were drinking that time and not!

After dinner Sean asked me for a dance... 'twas so sweet... and also the place here by the terrace was so romantic that night. We danced and danced slowly and so much embracing and kissing..aaawww...
Another surprise inside our home is this! wow so love this even in RL... fruit slices and choco dipping....yummy! and while eating we tried on some ground sit / lay AOs we have...funny!

'twas a great night and so much fun!! 'til the next 20th...