Saturday, December 27, 2008

Blinding Beauty of Wintermute...

Some shots we had in Wintermute... ok i am spillin' some beauty of place in them...hmmm but you will never know what i saw in there 'til you get there hehe.. Anyways, i took Sean's photos there and of mine...then of Josie's when Evee went there together with her.Unfortunately, i wasn't able to take shots of Evee coz she needed to leave for some RL stuff...

I asked Josie to stand near this cage where there were lighted candles in it. You will find lots of these around the sim. Btw, she took shots of me too...but just cnt upload here for it's in my inventory. I like the one where like my eyes closed and my hair like blown by the wind and like im feelin' the breeze...imagine that! So awesome! hehe!

Oh these two shot's below i took of her, she doesn't! she was in there taking shots of herself and i was just on the side making some stolen shots of her...sorry can't help it seeing such beauty...

I've seen a hole on the ice pond there so i decided to get it...lovely pink flower bed was there.I told Sean to get his butt down there. hehe! He too was amazed of what he'd seen.  'Twas such a nice idea to put a lovely scene below...

And this one above is what i took there. Me and Sean embracing tight.  I placed this in our home at Oceanwood SE.  I made it kinda big painting in one of the walls inside the house.  NIce huh? :)