Monday, August 27, 2007

Little Sean and Leanne...

We decided to check out avatar's skin and shape for the kids, Lil Sean and Leanne.

Vanilla skin flavor for skin is a little pale for Leanne.

And the Gingersnap flavor a little tan, so we decided that we will go for peach.

As for the shape, well, we decided that we will be getting Rosie.

She got a pretty face just like my honey. :)

Sean chose Marcus shape. But this Caramel skin flavor is a little dark so we decided to get Peach.

Yes, just perfect. This shape comes with kids funny gestures i guess. Hehe!

We got him the Little Devil set of clothes. Oh hey, it's just the clothes but he's still my Little Angel (with tail...HA!)

Sean saw this necklaces and found one with triquetra design as pendant. Like father like son. He's wearing one so he got lil Sean as well.

Meet our boy lil Sean. Our bratty son. Well, just with his dad. He's a good boy though.

Little Sean in Montreal's Haven, on his sunnies.

That's the Triquetra bling his dad got for him.

One thing nice in SL is that kids grew fast in a day... LOL!!

He likes collecting eyeglasses. Oh how cute can he be?

This is the same shirt Sean got at Myron's store. It fits him well.

Lil Sean grins as his dad takes his photo.

This the best hair style and color for him.

See that cute smile? He likes the hair and color too.

Oh, how i wish he'll not grow so fast... i want him to be my Lil Sean for awhile...