Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This kiss...This kiss....

Funny at times when Sean and i do chats, we just let our avies kiss... kiss.. and do more! Photos taken by the bedroom after we celebrated my birthday.

But not all kisses can be "moments"... especially when kissing in SL and you move your cam to an angle and suddenly the one you are kissing went invisible and leaving something behind to say he's just there...weird! LOL!

Sean the hollow!

Ok this is another issue... before i posted of taking our photos and suddenly Sean or myself got bald... and there i was kissing some hair on that photo...

Ok now Stacey tell me what u really want?

Stacey Phillip: I really don't know now what i want...
Stacey Phillip: lmao!
Stacey Phillip shakes her head :)))